My name is Keiko Ooshima, a software developer from Osaka, Japan.

This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours.


Currently, I work as a junior software developer at Google. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks.


Want to collaborate or have a question? You can reach me at Otherwise, follow my work on Facebook, Instagram, CodePen, GitHub, and LinkedIn.